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Jewels Of The Holy Qur’aan (DVD)

Disc 1 Episodes 1 to 6
Disc 2 Episodes 7 to 12
Disc 3 Episodes 13 to 18
Disc 4 Episodes 19 to 24
Disc 5 Episodes 25 to 27

Ismail ibn Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. After completing Hifz and initial studies under his father (also a hughly respected scholar) he went on to graduate in the Faculty of Shariah at the University of Madinah (Saudi Arabia). He continued further studies at the Darul Uloom Kantharia (India). He is currently the Imaam of the largest Masjid in Zimbabwe, the Ridgeview Masjid. He is also a lecturer at the Darul Ilm in Harare. He is engaged in a wide range of Islamic programmes, a counsellor for Marriage, Aids, Drugs, etc. He is widely respected across the globe. He method is simple, straightforward, clear and effective using only highly authentic content.

Product Code: MEN200D
No: Discs

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