Motivational lectures to help improve your imaan.
Titles are:
Disc 101. Abdud Dunyah - Slave Of The World
02. Advice For Ramadhaan
03. Advice To Hajjies - Part 1
04. Advice To Hajjies - Part 2
05. Al-Qur'aan
06. Being The Change You Want And Need
07. Business Ethics In Islam - Riba
08. Crisis
Disc 209. Issues Around Death And Burial - Part 1
10. Issues Around Death And Burial - Part 2
11. Education
12. Effects Of Income
13. Friends
14. In Allah's Name, Eat, Pray And Love
15. Interfaith Relationships - Part 1
16. Interfaith Relationships - Part 2
Disc 317. Lessons From Surah Al-Kahf
18. Marriage And Family Ties - Part 1
19. Marriage And Family Ties - Part 2
20. Marriage And Weddings
21. Means Of Recognising And Fighting Shaitaan Within
22. Parent-Child Relationship - Part 1
23. Parent-Child Relationship - Part 2
Disc 424. Preparing For Ramadhaan
25. Recognising The Greatness Of Your Creator
26. Role Of Parents
27. Sabr
28. Social Conduct In Islam - Part 1
29. Social Conduct In Islam - Part 2
Disc 530. Some Inspiration And Lessons From Al Qur'aan
31. Support The Cause
32. Surah Yusuf In Relation To Present Day
33. Tafseer Surah Fatihah - Part 1
34. Tafseer Surah Fatihah - Part 2
35. The Middle Way, Not The Easy Way
36. The Muslim World
Disc 637. The Role Of The Masjid
38. The Role Of Women In Modern Society
39. The Role Of Youth
40. The Season Of Repentance, Forgiveness And Asking
41. The Tongue
42. Win The Battle Against Temptation
About Mufti Ismail Menk
Ismail Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. He was tutored by his
father who is a well known scholar and Da'ee. He completed his hifz and
recitation courses at an early age and learnt the Arabic and Urdu
languages whilst studying Shariah under his father. At the same time the
attended an Academic College in Harare where he completed his
secondary secular education.
He then attained a degree in Shariah
from the University of Madinah and later specialised in Iftaa at Darul
Uloom Kantharia in Gujarat.
He is a broad minded, tolerant motivational speaker who has won the hearts of many.
teaches at the Darul Ilm in Harare and finds the time to attend many
international religious conferences, seminars etc. He is also Imaam at
the Arcadia Masjid in Harare.
He has been invited on lecture tours
to many countries. He contributes towards the Islamic content of various
media networks and is an experienced social worker and counselor. He
enjoys spending time with the underpriviledged.
Each year he spends
the month of Ramadhaan with a far off community explaining the Qur'aanic
teachings. This work is all done solely to earn Allah's Pleasure
without any monetary gain or remuneration involved.